This is a list of current Web references. All these links have been checked and are live as of June 2008. It is intended that this list will be updated regularly. Sites may be added by sending the link to me at [email protected]
Click on text for link:
Organisations and Projects
- ALPME: European Language Council Advance level Programme in Multilingual Education
- BeCLIL: Benchmarking Content & Language Integrated Learning
- CALLA: Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach
- CEL/ELC: European Language Council
- CERNET: Central European Regional Network for Education Transfer
- CILT: UK National Centre for Languages CLIP/CLIL Project
- CLAD: Cross-Cultural Language & Academic Development
- CLIL across Contexts: A scaffolding framework for CLIL teacher education (University of Luxembourg)
- CLIL Axis
- CLIL Axis Team Teaching
- CLIL Cascade Network
- CLILCOM: CLIL Competencies
- CLIL Compendium
- CLIL Consortium
- CLILlig: Content & Language Integrated Learning in German
- CLIL Matrix: The CLIL Quality Matrix
- CLIL Network Finland
- CoBaLTT: Content Based Language Teaching with Technology
- Comenius Project TL2L
- Comenius Project MobilID
- Comenius Project (Turkey/Finland/Germany)
- Content English
- ECML: European Centre for Modern Languages
- ENISCLIL: CLIL Community
- ENLU: European Network for the Promotion of Language Learning among all Undergraduates
- EuroCLIC: European Network for Content & Language Integrated Classrooms
- European Platform for Dutch Education
- European Commission Education & Training
- European Language Portfolio Council of Europe
- Eurybase: Information Database on Education Systems in Europe
- Eurydice: Information network on Education in Europe
- FACT: Forum for Across the Curriculum Teaching
- Labclil: Laboratorio CLIL Italy
- LANQUA: Language Network for Quality Assurance
- L3 Project
- MLSPI: Modern Languages in Primary Schools Initiative
- MoBiDic: Comenius Project 2.1
- NABE: Natiional Association for Bilingual Education
- NALDIC: National Association for Language Developmentonal in the Curriculum
- NCELA: National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition and Language Instruction Educational Programs (US)
- Primary Languages UK
- Quality Action in English
- SIOP: Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol
- Tel2l Project
- TIE-CLIL: Translanguage in Europe CLIL
- UK Department for Children, Schools and Families - Languages
Universities and Research
- AILA Research Network
- Amsterdam Faculty of Education/Sofia University
- Goethe Institut (Germany) CLIL
- Jaume I University (Spain)
- Karoli Gaspar University (Hungary)
- Norwich Institute for Language Education (UK)
- OPEKO Foreign languages at the National Centre for Professional Development in Education, Finland. Teacher Training and Research Projects
- Pilgrims Teacher Training (UK)
- Stockholm University
- University of Bath (UK) - Lecturing in the Target language
- University of Jyvaskyla (Finland)
- University of Jyvaskyla Teacher Development Programs
- University of Nottingham (UK) - CLIL Group
- University of Oregon (USA)
- University of Barcelona (Spain) AICLE-CLIL
- University of Southampton (UK) Profile Project
- University of Urbino (Italy) - CLIL for Computer Science
- Università degli Studi di Foggia (Italy) (CLIL resources database)
- Wuppertal University (Germany) Bilingual Learning
Teaching and Materials
- British Council Teaching English Specialist Area - CLIL
- CLIL on the Web
- Content-ESL
- Edhelper
- Educacion Bilingue/CLIL
- Ethical English
- ESL Site (Isabel Perez)
- Graphic Organisers for Content Instruction
- Hocus Lotus - Foreign Language Teaching to Children
- Language-Concept Connection
- Learning Tree
- Lesson Plans for ESL, Bilingual and Foreign Language Teachers
- OneStop English CLIL lessons
- Online Materials for CLIL
- Paso Partners
- Science Across The World
- Teachers First
- Tick Tack
- University of Oregon Teacher Resources
- Web-based Resources for Content Instruction
- CLIL Resources
Exams, Courses and Qualifications
- Cambridge ESOL TKT CLIL Option
- CLIL (short course), Hilderstone College UK
- CLIL (short course)), Language & Leisure, Ireland
- CLIL (short course), Pilgrims UK
- CLIL(short course) University of Edinburgh UK
- MA in CLIL, University of Education, Austria
- MA, PG Cert, PG Dip in CLIL, University of Nottinham UK
- MA, PG Cert, PG Diploma in Professional Development for Language Education, Leeds Metropolitan University/NILE
- MEd Content and Language Integrated Learning, Marjon Plymouth
Web Groups
- Bilingual Education Platform
- CLIL platform (Spain)
- Content-ESL
- SLA for CLIL Group
- Factworld
- BBC radio programmes
- CLIL for the Knowledge Society (Video clips of talks by David Marsh et al.) Also available on YouTube
- CILT: CLIL Project (Videos of CLIL in UK)
- Guardian CLIL debate
- Slideshare - Presentations about CLIL
- TeacherTube - CLIL Lesson Videos
- Video clips - Helsinki Polytechnic
- Video clips - CLIL in Spain
- Video clips - Primary Languages UK: Embedding CLIL
- Bilingual Research Journal
- FACT Journal
- International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
- Multilingual Matters (publisher)
- OneStop English CLIL Magazine
- LACLIL Latin American Journal of Content and Language Integrated Learning
- International CLIL Research Journal
Books and Reference collections
- CAL References - Research and Practice of Integrating Language and Content Instruction
- Content English Recommended Books
- Cross-Curricular Activities
- Content-Based Instruction and Related Topics
- ECSU Bilingual Education Websites
- ECML Collection
- FACT Book Collection
- Naves Annotated Bibliography on Bilingual Education
- Learning Through a Foreign Language
- Literature for CLIL
- Multilingual Matters Independent Publishing House
- Teaching Other Subjects Through English
- UB Web AICLE-CLIL Collection
- Uncovering CLIL
Key articles and reports online
- Alpme Teacher Education Model for CLIL
- Content English Papers/Presentations Online
- Using Languages to Learn & Learning to use Languages
- CLIL – A European Overview
- CLIL/EMILE The European Dimension
- European language Policy and CLIL
- From Vision to Pragmatism
- CLIL in Spain - A Report
- Naves CLIL Grid
- Acquiring Cultural Knowledge through CEI
- Integrating Language & Content Instruction
- CLIL - An Evaluation of the German Approach
- CLIL-EMILE Immersion Linguistique
- Some Issues in Implementing CLIL
- Vienna Working papers on CLIL
- Profiling European CLIL Classrooms
- The Language Exclusion Zone
- CLIL in Namibia
- CLIL at Schools in Europe - UK
- Languages For Europe Think Tank 2007
- CLIL in the Basque Country
- CLIL Platform Documents Collection
- Bilingual Education - Key Issues in US Education
- Bilingual Education Research (Krashen et al)
- Rethinking Schools Resource Collection
- European Commission Multilingual Policies
- CLIL at a School in Europe
- EC Final report on Multilingualism
- A Framework to Develop Content Based Materials
- Teacher Education for Integrating language and Content Instruction
- Content Based Instruction in EFL Contexts
- Academic Research into CLIL Teaching Methodology
- Milestones in CLIL
- Windows on CLIL (case studies from Europe)
- The Rise and Rise of CLIL
- Clarifying CLIL
list originally prepared as part of a presentation for the Pan Hellenic Association of Language Teachers, Thessaloniki, 18.03.2007.